Monday, November 28, 2011

Nicole by OPI Kardashian Kolors Collection for Holiday 2011 Swatches and Review

Nicole's holiday collection is a little bit bigger this year. Instead of twelve shades, we get fourteen! There's a little something for everyone in this set. Personally, I'm a fan of the glitters.... But you knew I was going to say that. These glitters are really good, though! I mean it, just look!

Nicole All Kendall-ed Up. Hot pink creme. Slight blue tone. Bright, dense and pretty but not unique.

Nicole Disco Dolls. See what I mean about the glitters being awesome? This is a super fine gold glitter with rainbow/multicolor (not holographic) round glitter accents. The glitter is fine and smooth and the rainbow glitter accents are big enough to be noticeable but small enough to be smooth and delicate. I love this one so much that I've worn it twice already.

Nicole Follow Me On Glitter. Kickass color, silly name. Follow me on Glitter? I assume Glitter is supposed to rhyme with Twitter, alluding to the fact that Kim Kardashian has over eleven and a half MILLION followers on Twitter? Whatever the case, it's a great color. Smoky tinted base with grey-silver and black microglitter and larger round multicolor glitter accents like in Disco Dolls. That's basically what this is: the black glitter version of Disco Dolls. Both are amazing.

Nicole Hard-Kourt Fashionista. I used flash on this one to bring out the base color. It's a deep brown creme.

Nicole It's All About The Glam. A white shimmer. This one is very pretty and delicate. It has silvery-white and iridescent clear tiny flecks of shimmer. It looks clean and bright, but because of the sparkles it looks soft and twinkly, not harsh or stark. I really like it. Unfortunately, this is the one polish in the collection that had streaking issues so I needed to do four coats.

Nicole Kendall on the Katwalk. Another crazy good glitter with an awful name. One of my biggest pet peeves is spelling English words with a K instead of a C. For example... Kar... as in one of the most irritating jingles ever... 1-877-kars-4-kids, K-A-R-S cars for kids... ANYWAY.... This is a sheer blue tinted base with blue, green and purple glitter. The glitter is fine textured but not quite microglitter. It is gorgeous. It's sparkly, it's richly colored, it has green and purple accents peeking through the dominantly blue base color... Two thumbs up from me.

Nicole Kim-pletely in Love. This one surprised me. When I first saw it I thought, "Ugh... not another sheer pink." But then, when I took a closer look at the bottle, I completely changed my mind. This is a soft girly pink, but it's packed with duochrome microglitter! More like tiny glass fleck particles than true glitter, it lies completely flat and smooth and doesn't really have a texture to it. It shifts from purple to blue and at some angles it looks like it has gold and green in it. I'm normally a bit of a pink hater, but this I like.

Khloe had a Little Lam-Lam. Very dark teal creme. This teal seems to have a little more of a neutral tone to it than most teals, so it looks better on my skin than a lot of other teals. Because of that, I like this one more than most teals.

Nicole Kourt is Red-y For a Pedi. Isn't this gorgeous? It's a very bright coral-red with an awesome milky jelly finish. I love the squishy look of it. The bold color combined with the fascinating finish makes this my favorite non-glitter shade of the collection. You could probably see this color from a mile away.

Nicole Listen To Your Momager! Medium bordering on dark blue shimmer. Pretty, but not unique.

Nicole My Empire... My Rules. Mushroomy taupe creme. Again, pretty but not unique. I like wearing this type of color, but I don't need a dozen from each brand.

Nicole Rainbow in the S-Kylie. Multicolor glitter in a clear base. It has small, round silver, green, yellow, pink, orange, blue and red glitter and two sizes of larger hexagon glitter in the same colors. Similar to OPI Rainbow Connection, Lippmann Happy Birthday (new version), Milani Gems, et cetera. I'm getting really tired of all the rainbow glitter clones. This collection could have done without this and My Empire... My Rules.

Nicole Sealed With a Kris. Wine red jelly. Applies lighter than it appears in the bottle.

Nicole Wear Something Spar-Kylie. This one is a bit like OPI Excuse Moi without the multicolored glitter circles. It's a warm pink microglitter with a little lighter pink shiny glitter in a pink tinted base. It's sparkly and very smooth, perfect formula. It doesn't have any larger pieces to give it that '3D' look like the other glitters, but it still has depth. I like it.

The formula on these was great. The only ones that gave me trouble were It's All About The Glam, which was streaky, and Rainbow in the S-Kylie, which was thick and weird to apply. Otherwise everything was perfectly smooth, even and opaque. I did three coats of all except It's All About The Glam, most only needed two for opacity (including the glitters), but the third coat intensifies the color nicely. Good dry time, good wear time. These have a normal brush instead of the hilariously bad "Perfect Stroke" brush (or whatever it was called).

My only true complaint is that there are too many overdone colors. They could have replaced the pink creme, wine creme, rainbow glitter, taupe creme, blue shimmer and brown creme with some brand new colors and the collection would have been perfect. Nicole's superfine glitter formula is really, really nice... Wish they would have done more of those instead.

Overall, I think it's still a pretty great collection. It doesn't feel like a holiday collection at all and there's really nothing particularly wintery or Christmassy about it, but the colors are mostly very good. Some boring, easily duplicated cremes and shimmers in there, but the amazing glitters make up for it. I would definitely recommend all the glitters except Rainbow in the S-Kylie (do we really need another Happy Birthday knockoff?) plus It's All About The Glam, Kourt is Red-y for a Pedi and Kim-pletely in Love from the non-glitter portion.

(This was sent to me for review.)


  1. GAWD!! I have these and your swatches make me want to wear them all .. at the same time lool!

  2. Ughhh I want 3 of these but I don't care for the Kardashians at all :(. Not that that will stop me but still. I think it's easy to tell who the Nicole line is aimed towards with this collection and the previous Justin Bieber collection :X

  3. I have been debating on getting Follow me on the glitter for awhile now.. and this just made me want it!

  4. Before your swatches I only wanted Kendall on the Katwalk, but now I kind of want them all… Which is too bad, since I haven't been able to find them anywhere! Also, would you say Follow Me on Glitter is similar to China Glaze Some Like It Haute?

  5. gosh, love this collection. even though i have nothing with the Kardashians.

  6. I got 3 of these but you're right they're mostly overdone colors.

  7. I wanted Disco Dolls then took it off my wlist and after looking at these, it jumped right back on.

    Do you mind if I ask how Kourt is Red-y For a Pedi compares to CG Poinsettia? Like, are they similar?

  8. I want all the glitters except that happy birthday dupe.. I can never get enough glitter!! xxx

  9. i really loved the glitters ones!

  10. Glad I don't love any of these b/c I don't think I could buy them on principle.

  11. I find it ironic that the first color you showed for the *Kardashian* collection was described as 'dense and pretty but not unique.' Haha!

  12. Holy crap, your swatches are AMAZING. Based on other swatches I've seen, I didn't want any of these. Now I MUST have all the glitters! I am impressed with the glitters, not so much the cremes and shimmers.

  13. LOVE Kim-pletely in love. I can't help but fell a little awkward about the name though since the whole divorce-taster. Sigh...

  14. I want some of these but am having trouble getting past the Kardashian connection. It was bad enough buying the Biebers at my age. :)

  15. I wasn't planning on getting any from this collection, but Kim-pletely in Love has really caught my eye. I may pick that one up, if not only for the irony in the name =)

  16. Wow, I'm very impressed with the colours and the finish!! How do you like the actual brush of these polishes?

  17. Ugh, those NAMES. I do love those glitters, but those ridiculous names and the fact that I kind of really hate the Nicole bottle is making me hesitate on these.

    Also, LOL at the Kars 4 Kids commercial. It plays on the radio all the time and drives me insane. @___@

  18. The glitters are all wonderful. The rest are just the usual ones we've seen before.

  19. I read somewhere that they're exclusive to Walmart, and they retail for $7.99

  20. I bought disco dolls (LOVE THAT COLOR even though it chipped the next day for me) a while back and said gee... i hope Scrangie swatches the rest of the collection. So YAY. :-)

  21. Yay! Finally swatches of these! I only have three from this collection, but your pics convince me I really don't need the others I originally wanted. :)

  22. @ Jessica -- Totally, the names are just awful (but then I find anything Kardashian-related pretty revolting). That, combined with the fact that OPI and/or their parent company do animal testing, I'm not really into these. "Follow Me on Glitter" might be tempting if I hadn't just got the [way better - with holo!] ChG Some Like It Haute. Amaaaaazing swatches, as always. When I go pro I'm totally hiring Ms. S. to take pics.

  23. Nicole by OPI is so tempting me to get more of their polishes! brilliant shades!

  24. Does "listen to your momager!" stain? It kind of reminds me of OPI's Swimsuit...Nailed it! and that one stains a loot. Thanks!

  25. I think all of these shades look great on you! Hmm...I have Disco Dolls, but haven't worn it yet. Going to have to try that one out.

  26. I'm passing on these colors. Nothing is striking me AND I really can't stand the Kardashians. WHY HAVE THEY TAINTED MY FAVORITE HOBBY?? ... LOL

  27. Love your nail polish posts!
    These colors are so pretty,
    I like Nicole Disco Dolls, thought this might be great for the holidays; I also like Listen To Your Momager!this dark shimmer blue is the blue I like^^ so lovely!

  28. Ay guey, how many times can OPI use the freakin' red-y pun. I think the next time I might shoot myself.

  29. I know this review page is old, but what top coat do you use??

  30. love the light pink swatches, wait I love them all lol


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