Friday, October 15, 2010


Thought this was funny, had to share:

...What foil?

(Also; Look at the little lobster/crayfish- isn't he adorable? Awwweeeeeee)

EDIT: Since a couple people asked (and Blogger still won't freaking let me post comments)- this is actually one of the faux-Konad "nail art stamping" plates from TransDesign :)


  1. Haha I instantly think of those two crabs from Finding Nemo with their bubbles <3

  2. the foil covers the plate for protection, it has to be removed before usage,
    lobster rocks;p

  3. I believe it's a scorpion, lol.

  4. Yaeh Paulina, but it's not FOIL. It's a clear sticker!
    Loved the Shrimp Aka. Lobster. Aka. Scorpion! LOL
    I get all my plates from Bundle Monster and they're great too!

  5. ok thanks for the info Beatlemarta :)

  6. LOVE the lobster!!

  7. Reminds me of Sebastian from the Little Mermaid.

  8. Dude, that is so incredibly random. I have no earthly reason to want a happy lobster on my nails, but suddenly all I want in the world is a happy lobster on my nails. I recently ordered the bundle monster set - my first venture into nad, faux or otherwise - and I shall be mightily disappointed if he isn't included.

  9. Amanda.... he ISN'T included! Sniff... :(

  10. Oh, Beatlemarta, say it ain't so! I will never have my jolly konad krustacean... Unless, of course, our dear Scrangie wouldn't mind sharing her secrets!

  11. Thank you!!! Oh, man, I am buying the CRAP out of that in my next TD order!


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