Monday, April 1, 2013

Why I haven't been blogging as much as I used to.

I know that a lot of you have noticed my absence.  I used to post once daily, sometimes even more than that, but for the last few months it hasn't been even as often as once a week.  There's a reason for that.

A lot of things changed for me during my December vacation, mostly for the better, and one of the biggest changes has been a really difficult secret to keep.  But, I'm just about healed up now, so I thought it was about time I revealed that secret.

During my vacation, I traveled out of the country to undergo a ground-breaking, experimental surgical procedure that will allow me to wear more nail polish.  You know that I can't get enough nail polish, I just love it so much, and this seemed like the only logical solution.

Sure, it takes some getting used to, but I think the benefits far outweigh the risks.  I have a feeling this is going to be the next big development in cosmetic surgery and you'll have me to thank for it! You're looking at a trendsetter, right here.  Yep.


  1. Only one extra finger? Girl.... ;]

  2. You had me for a second D: I was freaking out a little

  3. lol april fools!!! That was a pretty good one too.

  4. HAHAHAHA!!!! OMG, you are too funny!!!! So seriously, where can I get this surgery??? ;)

  5. LOL. Well played. ;)

  6. ha ha! looks good on you <3

    Happy April Fools Day =D

  7. Lmao, that's a pretty swell looking fraud... took me a minute to suss out what was going on!!

  8. Nice April Fools' post! The picture made me laugh.

  9. Ahahha, your April 1st posts always crack me up! XD

  10. Ha! Quite possibly the best April Fools post I've ever read! :D

  11. I did NOT think you'd be able to top the flavoured polish range from last year, but this is GOLD.

  12. Omg hahaha that picture actually looks so real! I was so close to believing it too, until I saw the date on your entry :P

  13. OMG Scrangie, what a great idea!!! I'm jumping on this trend ASAP. Calling my doctor as we speak! This should give me an advantage in the secretarial hiring pool as well!

  14. oh my gosh. your april fools jokes ALWAYS get me!! honestly my heart JUMPED and i just stared at the screen for a good 10 seconds until i realized what day it was. hahaha

  15. Hahaha I was like, oh no, what happened? Hope she's ok? And then.. I saw the fingers. lol

  16. My day just lightens up a little! I almost fell for it until I recalled a similar post at this exact same time last year hahahaha =D

  17. bahahaha you totally had me until the picture. Then I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't reading it incorrectly lol. :D

    ~ Yun

  18. Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. It would seem I have been looking for you ;P

  19. April Fool's Day, anyone? ;)

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  22. I truly missed you out here but I was sure that you have a good reason for being absent and just patiently waited for any of your posts (and each of them avidly!!! Cudos to you to have participated in experimental surgery - for every routine surgery we know today, there were some people like you who dared to take the risk for trying something innovative - thanks for taking the lead -b.t.w. I love your mani but twist my arm and turn my head, I cannot remember the name of this Illamasqua sprinkled polish ;-) - take care - Christine

  23. Great, now all the cool kids will be doing it! Lol

  24. Haha, six fingers, great April Fool's Joke!

  25. Oh my gosh, this was amazing!

  26. Okay-- I am in Europe and so I am probably seeing this earlier than anyone else. I forgot what day it was -- but knew it was a joke. I hope you are blogging less because good things are happening in your life-- and if it's for not so good reasons, I hope they are going better. Warm regards to you.

  27. Hahahaha perfect post for today!
    I can see it must take very much getting used to, also it must be difficult to type now, since that extra finger doesn't have a job to do!
    Great Idea, I might consider the same ;)

  28. Right: love it!!! Where did you have it done (?), it looks a m a z i n g!!!

  29. If you don't mind my asking, what is the surgery called?

    1. Woke up this morning, thought about this post, realized it's April Fools. Feelin' gullible :(

  30. *gigglesnort* Happy April Fool's Day to you too!

  31. Have a funny fool's day, Scrangie! LOL =)

  32. You're just...fantastic. That's perfect for flavored nail polish!

  33. Dont you just love april fools? =)

  34. Lol, I love seeing your posts on April 1st! Lol!

  35. Is this another polish joke for the 1st of April????:)

  36. Where did you get that surgery! I think i need it!! <3 <3 <3 Oh my gosh cant believe no one else thought of it first! You're such an innovative person Scrangie ;)

  37. Lolllllll! You nutter <3
    x x x

  38. Finally! What a great idea. I was already thinking it is so unreasonable to have so much nail polish, and then so little surface to wear it on. Thank you for breaking the boundaries and working towards a society that accepts (and cherishes!) not only enhanced breasts, lips, etc, but also adds parts where they are direly needed.

  39. April fools Scrangie ;)! It took me a while to notice you had 5 fingers there? I actually got really confused! Good one! :)

    Megan x

  40. You know what? yours is the first April fool's joke to get me for 10s and make me smile today. All the others I've seen were like "meh, who's gonna believe that???". It's good to see you back ;)

  41. LOL, I just don't know what to do with myself.

  42. Sounds exciting, at least now you're healed. Can you tell us more?

  43. Lol, I love it! The nail polish has to get used up somehow. I'm going curious to see how much that picture gets floated around on Pinterest. This post makes me wonder if people have been too nosy with you...

  44. Lol, I love it! The nail polish has to get used up somehow. I'm going to be curious to see how much that picture gets floated around on Pinterest. This post makes me wonder if people have been too nosy with you...

  45. I love how committed you are to nailblogging <3

    But I love your april fools even more every year ;D

  46. Muahahaha....I must admit, you got me there, I was a teeny tiny worried for a sec.

  47. HILARIPUS! Seriously, you always have the best posts on April 1st ♥.

  48. hehehe *giggles*

    you know, just a few days ago I wished for more arms and hands and fingers, just like the Indian goddess Kali ^^ to have more room for nail polish ^^ just imagine the possibilities *g*
    and the cost for all that nail polish and lemony flutter and neutrogena hand lotion ^^

    teehee. *g*

  49. LOL. I do love your April Fool's Jokes. :)

  50. Oh that is superb! Gorgeous and very clever! Simply divine, I MUST try this as well!

  51. Hahahaha! Oh I was hoping for one of your great April 1 posts! First site I checked this morning. :) Have a great day!

  52. Silly, silly. I was expecting whole new additional hands! lol

  53. I love you Scrangie! Happy April 1st!!!

  54. ROFLMAO!!! You are the best prankster of all time. Love it!!

  55. That freaked me out for a moment!

  56. Happy April Fools' Day to you too!


  57. ohhh, you added a finger! hahahahahaha april fools!

  58. What a great idea! The more the merrier!!! LOL :)

  59. Your April Fool's jokes seriously just get better every year.

  60. LOL! Happy April Fool's Day to you too Scrangie!

  61. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... please!! I had a double-take moment with that pic! ahahahahah...

  62. Well played, Scrangie, well played.

  63. Not enough, you need more! :)
    I must admit, you did get me at first while I was reading what you wrote. I was asking myself what this was and how could you possibly paint your nails any more than you already do...then I saw the picture. Haha. Good one!

  64. Your April Fools are getting better every year!! :D

  65. And the April Fools jokes begin, this will be a long day! As soon as you said an experiment to wear more nail polish, I knew something was up! But in all seriousness, I hope everything is okay.

  66. Ha! Happy April fool's day! I hope you are doing ok!

  67. LOL oh that's so funny - love it :)

  68. Man, I Always look forward to your April fool's jokes. I <3 you Scrangie! Now, there's more of you to love!

  69. BRILLIANT April Fools! I knew it was a joke, but it took me AGES to work out that the picture was a trick too!I can't believe I was that blind hahah!

  70. Happy April Fools' Day! I can always count on you for a laugh!

  71. Congratulations, you have just won April Fool's Day. :)

  72. OMG I only now saw 6 FINGERS - now you really won the 1 April jokes - shame on me

  73. Dude, I didn't even notice until I read the comments. -_-;

  74. Hahaha, this is just hilarious!! Best April Fools ever. Thank you!!

  75. lol you're April fools posts are the best! But Honestly, I think Zoya wins this year for sure!

  76. haha. i literally logged onto your website today to see what April fools day post you had. LOL

  77. Haha, great April Fools and I love your job with the photo! I hope that the reason for your blog absence is that a lot of great things are going on in your life right now, and if not I wish you all the best and that you'll find all the strenght you need!

  78. Oh, damn, my insurance will NEVER cover this surgery. *sad face*

  79. You always come up with a great April Fools Joke! - I would be laughing more if I was not going under the knife myself in a week's time for my 5th attempt at mastectomy reconstruction...they keep failing despite I have top guys doing them - grafts as I could not have implants for medical reasons...but I got started on a bad foot - er job and it's been taking a ton of major surgery (not out pat in the doc office stuff) to try to fix it all - I am about ready to say take it all off and be flat if this does not work this time - but getting improvement in the past 2 times - just slow going it seems and not top priority when I have a bunch of more pressing med things going on.

  80. Hahaha I was just coming to your page thinking "I wonder if she has an April Fol's post again this year." I love that all the nails are painted diff and you didn't just shop in a repeat nail!

  81. I knew that I could count on you for a good April Fools post! Love ya, Scrangie!

  82. You always have the best April Fool's posts, Scrangie! I still think the year when you said you were going to make a flavored polish line was the best though. :D

  83. You got me last year, but this year.. Naaah!! Really fun though!

  84. Have you had any problems with wearing gloves afterwards?

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Hee hee... Happy April Fool's Day, Scrangie!!!!!!

  87. Best. April Fool's. EVER.

  88. Ok, I generally hate April Fools' but this was awesome!

  89. I love your blog so much. :)

  90. I really did laugh out loud - in the office when I should be working! Love you and your blog, you're awesome. :o)

  91. Hello! I am a silent follower of your blog in bloglovin.

    Your beautiful nails had me lusting after these nail varnishes from all other posts. I recently bought a batch of A-England polishes and I'm so far loving them! We don't get Essie, China Glaze or many other brands here so it's quite a hassle buying them online. Anyway, for now, I am happy to admire them from your posts. :D

    By the way, I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. :)

    Hope you have a lovely day! xx

  92. Scrangie, you do sometimes fool me, but this one was never going to work! Surely no one actually fell for this?!

  93. One extra finger each hand will not be enough!!

  94. I wonder if you could do the same with eyes..

  95. this picture really made me think of this post.... :D :D

  96. This picture really made me think of you... .hehe!

  97. I love these types of nail polishes but they are so hard to remove.


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